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GATE:Girls Against Trafficking & Exploitation

Call or text this number if you need support outside of office hours. The line is monitored by E-Fry outreach staff. 

GATE Programming: 

Prevention starts with education to help vulnerable people protect themselves against traffickers. In partnership with ElevateHer, our community initiatives promote early intervention through workshops and case management for youth aged 12-24. 

GATE Housing: 

We help those impacted by sexual exploitation (aged 16-30) find healing and restoration through safe housing. There are two funded beds available in secure living spaces to help bridge the gap between reintegration and economic independence

GATE Healing: 

A safeguard program for survivors as they move forward in rebuilding their lives. We offer a toll-free number throughout Nova Scotia, appointment and court accompaniment, harm reduction addictions support, one-on-one wellness planning, outreach and case management services.

Truro Program Centre

A joint effort to tackle trafficking and exploitation

As a community hub, Truro Program Centre seeks to provide a safe and inclusive space for everyone. Our programs are carefully crafted to meet the needs of different age groups, skill levels, and interests. We work closely with our partners ElevateHER and GATE to create a space that is welcoming, supportive, and conducive to learning. 

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